
前にTwitter友達であり、実は同期の @sandnyx さんから急に以下のような問題が出されました。







コレを使えば、10を出せる全部の回答をもらえます。例えば最初の 2, 4, 7, 7の例だとコレくらい回答があります。

  1. (2-(4/7))*7 = 10
  2. 2*(4+(7/7)) = 10
  3. 2*((7/7)+4) = 10
  4. (4+(7/7))*2 = 10
  5. 7*(2-(4/7)) = 10
  6. ((7/7)+4)*2 = 10

こうやって見ると、自分の (2-4/7)*7よりも簡単な回答があるんですよね。
(7/7+4)*2 なんか一番簡単ですよね。

次に出された1, 1, 5, 8は 8/(1-(1/5)) しか回答がありません。難易度の高い問題だったことがわかります。



import scala.collection.mutable.Set
import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

 * 四則演算(+, -, *, /)を使って10を作るプログラム
object Make10 {
   * メモ化用集合
  private val answerSet = new HashSet[String]()
  private val ANSWER_NUM = 10

   * メモ化
  def memorize(answer: String) {

   * 四則演算で10を作るメソッドです。
  def make10(nums: List[Int]) {
    val opList = Array("+", "-", "*", "/");
    val numList = new NumberList(nums).list
    val range = 0 to 3
    val ansList = new ListBuffer[Tuple2[Rational, String]]();
    for (nums <- numList) {
      for (op1 <- opList) {
        for (op2 <- opList) {
          for (op3 <- opList) {
            pattern1(nums._1, nums._2, nums._3, nums._4, op1, op2, op3).foreach { value => ansList += value}
            pattern2(nums._1, nums._2, nums._3, nums._4, op1, op2, op3).foreach { value => ansList += value}
            pattern3(nums._1, nums._2, nums._3, nums._4, op1, op2, op3).foreach { value => ansList += value}
            pattern4(nums._1, nums._2, nums._3, nums._4, op1, op2, op3).foreach { value => ansList += value}
            pattern5(nums._1, nums._2, nums._3, nums._4, op1, op2, op3).foreach { value => ansList += value}
    val filteredList = ansList.filter(_._1 == ANSWER_NUM)
    filteredList.foreach(ans => println(ans._2 + " = " + ans._1))

   * ((a op1 b) op2 c) op3 d の計算。
  def pattern1(
    first: Rational,
    second: Rational,
    third: Rational,
    fourth: Rational,
    op1: String,
    op2: String,
    op3: String): Option[(Rational, String)] = {
    val exp = "((" + first + op1 + second + ")" + op2 + third + ")" + op3 + fourth
    var result: Option[(Rational, String)] = None;
    if (!answerSet.contains(exp)) {
      calculate(op1, first, second).foreach {
        ans1 =>
          calculate(op2, ans1, third).foreach {
            ans2 =>
              calculate(op3, ans2, fourth).foreach {
                ans3 => result = Some(ans3, exp)
   * (a op1 b) op2 (c op3 d) の計算。
  def pattern2(
    first: Rational,
    second: Rational,
    third: Rational,
    fourth: Rational,
    op1: String,
    op2: String,
    op3: String): Option[(Rational, String)] = {
    val exp = "(" + first + op1 + second + ")" + op2 + "(" + third + op3 + fourth + ")"
    var result: Option[(Rational, String)] = None;
    if (!answerSet.contains(exp)) {
      calculate(op1, first, second).foreach {
        ans1 =>
          calculate(op3, third, fourth).foreach {
            ans2 =>
              calculate(op2, ans1, ans2).foreach {
                ans3 => result = Some(ans3, exp)

   * (a op1 (b op2 c)) op3 d の計算。
  def pattern3(
    first: Rational,
    second: Rational,
    third: Rational,
    fourth: Rational,
    op1: String,
    op2: String,
    op3: String): Option[(Rational, String)] = {
    val exp = "(" + first + op1 + "(" + second + op2 + third + "))" + op3 + fourth
    var result: Option[(Rational, String)] = None;
    if (!answerSet.contains(exp)) {
      calculate(op2, second, third).foreach {
        ans1 =>
          calculate(op1, first, ans1).foreach {
            ans2 =>
              calculate(op3, ans2, fourth).foreach {
                ans3 => result = Some(ans3, exp)
   * a op1 ((b op2 c) op3 d) の計算。
  def pattern4(
    first: Rational,
    second: Rational,
    third: Rational,
    fourth: Rational,
    op1: String,
    op2: String,
    op3: String): Option[(Rational, String)] = {
    val exp = first + op1 + "((" + second + op2 + third + ")" + op3 + fourth + ")"
    var result: Option[(Rational, String)] = None;
    if (!answerSet.contains(exp)) {
      calculate(op2, second, third).foreach {
        ans1 =>
          calculate(op3, ans1, fourth).foreach {
            ans2 =>
              calculate(op1, first, ans2).foreach {
                ans3 => result = Some(ans3, exp)
   * a op1 (b op2 (c op3 d)) の計算。
  def pattern5(
    first: Rational,
    second: Rational,
    third: Rational,
    fourth: Rational,
    op1: String,
    op2: String,
    op3: String): Option[(Rational, String)] = {
    val exp = first + op1 + "(" + second + op2 + "(" + third + op3 + fourth + "))"
    var result: Option[(Rational, String)] = None;
    if (!answerSet.contains(exp)) {
      calculate(op3, third, fourth).foreach {
        ans1 =>
          calculate(op2, second, ans1).foreach {
            ans2 =>
              calculate(op1, first, ans2).foreach {
                ans3 => result = Some(ans3, exp)
   * 演算子と2つの数を受け取って値を返すメソッド。
   * 0除算や定義されていない演算子を使った場合、Noneが返る。
  private def calculate(op: String, num1: Rational, num2: Rational): Option[Rational] = {
    try {
      val ans: Option[Rational] = op match {
        case "+" => Some(num1 + num2)
        case "-" => Some(num1 - num2)
        case "*" => Some(num1 * num2)
        case "/" => Some(num1 / num2)
        case _ => None
    } catch {
      case _ => None


  • 全ての数字の組み合わせを最初に作ります。(1,2,3,4) => (2,3,4,1) => (3,4,1,2) ...
  • 全ての演算子と数字の組み合わせを以下のパターンに対して適用します。

*1 op3 d
a op1 *2

  • 最終的に出た全ての解答の中から解答が10のもののみフィルタして返します。


  • 通常のDouble型だと割り算の時に丸め誤差が出るかもしれなかったので、Rational型という有理数を表すクラスを作成し、なるべく割り算は分数の形で保存するようにしています。
  • せっかくなので、プログラミングコンテスト チャレンジブックでやっていたメモ化を使ってみました。それで一度計算した結果は演算しないようにしています。
  • Effective Scalaにも書いてあったOption型とパターンマッチングを多用して、なるべくScalaっぽく書いてみようとしてみました。

10puzzleを解くプログラム(python) - Rainbow U - livedoor Wiki(ウィキ)
せっかくPlay! 2.0がリリースされたことなので、このプログラムをwebアプリにでもしてみようかなと思います。

yosuke-furukawa/Make10 · GitHub

最後に @sandnyx さんに問題 9, 9, 9, 9と8,8,8,8も割りと難しかったよ。


class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) {
  require(d != 0)
  private val g = gcd(n.abs, d.abs)
  val numer: Int = n/g
  val denom: Int = d/g
  def this(n: Int) = this(n, 1)
  def + (that: Rational): Rational =
    new Rational(
      numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom,
      denom * that.denom
  def + (i: Int): Rational =
    new Rational(numer + i * denom, denom)
  def * (that: Rational): Rational =
    new Rational(
     numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom)
  def * (i: Int): Rational = new Rational(numer *i, denom)
  def - (that: Rational): Rational =
    new Rational(
      numer * that.denom - that.numer * denom,
      denom * that.denom
  def - (i: Int): Rational =
    new Rational(numer - i * denom, denom)
  def / (that: Rational): Rational =
    new Rational(
     numer * that.denom, denom * that.numer)
  def / (i: Int): Rational = new Rational(numer, denom * i)
  def == (i: Int): Boolean = 
    this.numer == new Rational(i).numer && this.denom == new Rational(i).denom;
  override def toString = 
    if (denom == 1) ""+numer
    else numer + "/" + denom
  def lessThan(that: Rational) =
    this.numer * that.denom < that.numer * this.denom
  def max(that: Rational) =
    if (this.lessThan(that)) that else this
  private def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
    if (b==0) a else gcd(b, a%b)


import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

 * 4つの数を受け取り、全ての組み合わせの数を返すクラス
class NumberList(list: List[Int]) {
  private val numList = new ListBuffer[Tuple4[Rational, Rational, Rational, Rational]]()
  private val nums: List[Int] = list.toList
  private val range = 0 to nums.length - 1
  for (firstIndex <- range) {
    val first = new Rational(nums(firstIndex))
    for (
      secondIndex <- range if firstIndex != secondIndex
    ) {
      val second = new Rational(nums(secondIndex))
      for (
        thirdIndex <- range if firstIndex != thirdIndex && secondIndex != thirdIndex
      ) {
        val third = new Rational(nums(thirdIndex))
        for (
          fourthIndex <- range if firstIndex != fourthIndex &&
            secondIndex != fourthIndex &&
            thirdIndex != fourthIndex
        ) {
          val fourth = new Rational(nums(fourthIndex))
          val numbers = (first, second, third, fourth)
          if (!numList.contains(numbers))
            numList += numbers
  def list(): List[Tuple4[Rational, Rational, Rational, Rational]] = numList.toList

*1:a op1 b) op2 c) op3 d (a op1 b) op2 (c op3 d) (a op1 (b op2 c

*2:b op2 c) op3 d) a op1 (b op2 (c op3 d